If you are craving a super healthy lunch that will leave you full but in that good sort of way, head over to High Tide Juice Co.  You already know we love their nitro, smoothies and smoothie bowls, but now there is just one more reason to swing over to Beach Street.  BB’s Chickpea Salad is so good we are going a little crazy here today! Chickpea salad, cucumber & avocado over amazing amounts of spinach and kale mean this is a power packed bowl of healthiness.  You know how hard it is to get avocado right, don’t you? High Tide has nailed it.  Enough give to have it bend in half on your fork but not too mushy to blend in with the chickpeas- they don’t skimp.  This is a lunch that will leave you feeling healthy and full.  You can eat in or take it to go- a tip for all of you entertainers out there…get two of these and you have an instant side dish for your lunch or dinner get together.  High Tide is quickly becoming one of our favorite stops in town.  When are you going to check them out?